A change in the weather is sufficient to recreate the world and ourselves. (Proust)
A storm swept through yesterday, taking our warmer-than-usual-for-autumn weather out with it as it left, leaving us with a bright blue and golden day today. Our seasons again flip-flopped overnight, and it’s now quite chilly, making one sorry that the chimney hasn’t been swept yet, and wondering if we dare risk a fire. It’s that time for kicking our sandals under the bed and looking for socks, and do we have any of our warmer clothes handy anywhere . . .
We laid in a supply of kindling, and even invested in a sturdier log tote-er today. Don’t quite know who to believe about what lays ahead. The Old Farmers Almanac forecasts a warm, wet winter, and The Farmers Almanac forecasts a cold, snowy one, each claiming adamantly that they are right.
Taking each with a huge grain of salt, we’ll take the adventure that comes, and for now enjoy this first beautiful day of what actually feels like fall. Except — where are the colored leaves??