L’Chiam! Cheers to a brand new year and another chance (always!) to kindle a light. (Me)
Y’know what? Next year at this time you’re gonna weigh more or less than you do right now. You will have more or less money, read (or not) those “good” books you always meant to, learned (or not) a new hobby, and gotten more (or less) organized. Poof to all those resolutions!
Instead, how about . . .
A random act (or two) of loving kindness every day, simple as a smile or a prayer or a choice to speak or remain silent . . . And you might need to add a little empathy and discernment — what is a kindness to one person may not necessarily be a kindness for another.
And that’s all. And see what happens . . . What we send out comes back to us, multiplied, flowing over.
For myself? The other day, I saw a little sign in a store: When you were born, God said, “Ta, da!” I’ve been feeling less than stellar about myself lately, kinda old and useless, so one of my random acts of kindness is to believe that message about myself.