Animal lovers are a special breed of humans,, generous of spirit, full of empathy . . . and with hearts as big as a cloudless sky. (Josh Grogan)
A dear friend recently visited me, and brought an assortment of wonderful toys for all our rescue animals. Their usual toys figure largely along the line of twigs and stones and bugs and (unfortunately and to my great dismay) a few birds. The house now resounds with chirps, squeaks, peeps, and squawks. Who knew they made such toys for critters??
Our gang sure didn’t, and they are totally delighted. Ole Hank even has a new indestructible ball, and a long skinny fox with two squeaks and NO stuffing, thank the powers that be, since stuffing and Hank are bitter enemies (or maybe friends, who knows— at any rate, he eats it with single-minded determination).
My friend’s simple generosity in giving me something that she knew would delight me as much the animals says a lot about her caring and sensitive awareness. May we all be blessed with such friends, and when it comes my time to give gifts, may I be inspired to give those that provide such pleasure.