Believe you can, and you’re halfway there. (T.Roosevelt)
Since I was a little girl, I’ve believed that each of us have a tiny piece of God within us, a spark that makes us each who we uniquely are. It is that spark, always there, that makes us so capable of being a co-creator with God. It is that spark that I always looked for and attempted to draw forth in counseling and in teaching counselors-to-be.
And so many of us forget, we lose sight of that spark. Rather than being awed and humbled by its potential, we look for the right way, or the perfect way to be, or to do.
Today, rather than looking for the best or right way to do something, start now, and do it your way. Live your life with the intention to bring forth into the world your piece of the Mystery that is God — otherwise, that piece of God will not be expressed, and the world needs it. It waits for you, the unique creativity that only you were born with!