On Projection

How much of each relationship is based on reality versus what we hope to believe about who the other person really is?  (Evans)

Isn’t projection an astonishing phenomenon??  I’m speaking of the kind of projection in which we take a quality or characteristic that is part of who we are, and “project” or attribute it to another person.  For good or bad . . .  For example, when we fall in love, supposedly all those great qualities that we see in the other person really belong to us, but we don’t quite believe it yet.  Or when we are gagging over the foibles of one of our politicians, and calling them a “no-good so and so,” those things we hate in them — yep, you got it — are really us!

‘Tis a humbling thing — easy to own the good stuff (most of the time), not so easy to own the less than salutary.  Our current rancorous political climate can make for some awesome realizations, when we are really honest with ourselves.