If you are going through one of life’s storms or what seems like an unending valley, and want only to escape, consider this bit of wisdom from C.S. Lewis’s The Pilgrim’s Regress:
“. . . you must dive into the water.”
“Alas,” said he, “I have never learned to dive.”
“There is nothing to learn,” said she. “The art of diving is not to do anything new, but simply to cease doing something. You have only to let yourself go.”
“It is only necessary,” said Vertue with a smile, “to abandon all efforts at self-preservation.”
“I think,” said John, “that if it is all one, I would rather jump.”
“It is not all one,” said Mother Kirk. “If you jump, you will be trying to save yourself, and you may be hurt. As well, you would not go deep enough. You must dive, so that you can go right down to the bottom of the pool: for you are not to come up again on this side. There is a tunnel in the cliff, far beneath the surface of the water, and it is through that tunnel that you must pass so that you may come up on the far side.”