From Under the Christmas Tree: Winter Solstice

Today we celebrate light, and honor the wisdom of the shadows.(Avelin)


After the longest night, we sing up the dawn . . .  (Avelin)


From the Cambridge Dictionary:  GLIBLY — in a way that is confidant, but is too simple, and lacks careful thought.

I think sometimes that I treat most things too glibly.  Maybe we live life this way to a large extent because we have to pretend, even to ourselves, that we know what the heck we’re doing, and what it’s all about.  And we really don’t.  Most of us probably can’t articulate why we don’t spin off into space in this very second.

Join me in reading the two quotations above carefully, thoughtfully — not glibly — and let their meaning sink into your awareness.

On this day of shortest light, longest darkness . . . Let the meaning of the words become real to you.